How much does ground pet transportation cost in AZ?

Long Distance Ground Pet Transportation can vary in cost, greatly! Also, it can be very expensive. Luckily, at En Route Pet Transportation, we have found a way to make it affordable, to everybody!

So, how do we calculate our rates? Well, some ground pet transportation companies calculate their rates by miles/distance traveled. We calculate our rates based an many factors that can vary based on the date and time you need the transport as well as the locations you need pet ground transport from and to. Click the “Get Estimate” button to receive an estimate.

**Please know that it the estimate is just that, an estimate. The actual cost could be much lower or a little higher, depending on the factors listed above.***

Ground Pet Transportation Rates can also vary, given the different options for transport. Here are our Ground Pet Transportation Options:

  • Private
    1. The Private ground pet transportation option defines a luxurious and quiet transportation experience for your fur-family. Our full and undivided attention, from point A to point B, will be given to them. Your pet will be the only pet inside the transportation vehicle.

What other expenses I should expect for ground pet transportation?

  • With our Private Pet Ground Transport, we do not have any surcharges. However, transporting more than one pet at a time can cause our expenses to go up a bit, which effects the total price.

What you will need to provide:

  • Pet Health Certificate
    • The USDA requires this and must be issued, by a licensed veterinarian, within 10 days of your pet’s first transportation date. If you don’t understand how to do this, all you need to do is give your veterinarian a call to let them know that you need to prepare your pet for ground pet transport and you need to get a health certificate for your pet, before they can be transported. They will understand and take care of the rest. Just know that you will most likely have to bring your pet in for an examination, to receive the health certificate.
  • Pet Traveling supplies
    • Pet food
      • Calculate how much food your pet will need for their entire trip, plus a little extra, just in case there are any delays, and pack it to give it to your ground pet transporter.
    • Harness
      • If you would like your pet to not be in a crate during transport, which is only offered in our Private Pet Transportation option, this is a requirement.
    • Collar
      • Collars are a requirement. The collars must be equipped with tags, the pet’s name, pet owner’s phone number, and any necessary license information.
    • Leash
      • Leashes are required.
    • Bed
      • A bed is not required. However, it may be a good idea as it could help to bring your pet with physical and emotional comfort throughout their journey.
    • Blanket
      • This isn’t a requirement, but it could also help to give your pet physical and emotional comfort during their journey.

Long-Distance Ground Pet Transportation is Affordable!

See all the ways in which we have found to help you:

  • Low Monthly Payments
    • Use our financing option and to get low monthly payments.
  • Make 4 Easy Payments
    • By reserving pet transport at least 3 months in advance, you can take advantage of this option to make a payments. 25% is due immediately and one payment each month, leading up to your pet’s transport.
  • One-Time Full Payment
    • Of course, if you’d rather pay for everything, upfront, you are welcome to make your full payment right away!